Director's speech
We have the great honor and the great pleasure to introduce to you a new digital company in Senegal:
For two years, having spotted young talents in the digital professions, I put them in touch with a Digital Marketing Agency based in France.
Realizing the economic impact of digital technology on the economic development of businesses, especially SMEs, SMIs and VSEs there, these young people decided to do the same for their country with my collaboration.
Dakar Communication, à travers divers outils et méthodes sans cesse renouvelés et adaptés vous propose dés à présent, ses différents services de marketing digital dont la formation dans les métiers du numériques.
Dakar Communication assure aussi le discours, l’e-reputation, de particuliers, de personnalités, d’hommes politiques et d’institutions publiques comme privées etc…
Mr. Ndongo NIANG,
Directeur, Consultant, Entrepreneur Digital.
Fresh ideas for every business
Creative approach